A growing number of companies are aware of the need to adopt sustainability as a strategic axis of their business management.

ICSEM helps you reach your sustainability goals through plans that integrate sustainability into your corporate strategy, advising you not only on how to reduce the negative impacts of your activity, but especially on how to create positive impacts on the environment and society.

Similarly, we assist you in preparing your non-financial information reports. Nowadays, every organization needs to report its sustainability actions to measure and make necessary corrections. For this, clear, uniform, and shared indicators are required to gauge this progress. The new European Directive on Non-Financial Information, Directive (EU) 2022/2464, December 14, 2022, has provided significant momentum and set the foundations for companies and organizations to convey reliable and comparable information.

Crafting an appropriate report that showcases results and highlights the risks inherent to the non-financial area of activity is a key factor in business development.

ESG criteria “Environmental, Social, and Governance”, offer investors an objective way to evaluate whether a company is a sustainable investment or not, so they can make informed decisions about where their money goes.

Sustainability Projects

Shared Value Strategy of ANFACO – CECOPESCA

ANFACO-CECOPESCA has adopted sustainable development as its guide for growth, recognizing that only in this way can a positive impact on the environment and themselves be achieved. In 2020, we designed and implemented a Plan for the Creation of Shared Value, based on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which charts the path for economic and sustainable growth.

This plan involves an Action Plan with all stakeholders, identifying strategic lines and objectives for creating shared value through responsible actions. ANFACO-CECOPESCA has also been a part of the Spanish Network of the Global Compact, backing the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs for over 15 years, and presenting annual reports on SDG contributions to the public.

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University Social Responsibility Strategy, Development Cooperation, and Internationalization of the University of Vigo

This project aims to strengthen the impact of the University of Vigo in its environment through three strategic plans in internationalization, development cooperation, and public-private collaboration, along with an impact measurement tool. Specific objectives include the participatory design of the mentioned strategies, the development of impact assessment tools, and the creation of detailed action plans. Additionally, evaluation indicators and a dashboard will be set up to measure outcomes.

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Implementation of Pescanova’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy

ICSEM has supported the Nueva Pescanova Group in designing and implementing its Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy, first by evaluating and analyzing the contribution of actions to the Sustainable Development Goals implemented so far, and second by aligning the future strategy through the development of a short-term action plan in which specific projects and indicators are set for measuring said contribution.

In the first phase, a deep analysis of more than 200 projects was carried out, evaluating their objectives and outcomes, and creating a matrix classifying each project’s contribution to the 17 SDGs, including their 169 targets. The results achieved were compared with each of the 169 SDG targets. In this way, it was possible to obtain a “map” of the company’s real contribution to the SDGs; for each goal, it was possible to know the degree of achievement by the company. An eventual report was produced showcasing the entire methodological process and the outcomes. Additionally, the objective of the contribution to each SDG was developed considering the company’s context and sector.

The results achieved were compared with each of the 169 SDG targets. In this way, it was possible to obtain a “map” of the company’s real contribution to the SDGs; for each goal, it was possible to know the degree of achievement by the company. An eventual report was produced showcasing the entire methodological process and the outcomes. Additionally, the objective of the contribution to each SDG was developed considering the company’s context and sector.

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