The future of humanity depends on the sustainable management of everything that the sea offers us, the so-called blue economy. In addition to transporting solar energy, the oceans connect ecosystems and are large sinks of carbon dioxide (CO2).
For humans, oceans are vital. 40% of the global population lives near the coast, a percentage expected to rise in the coming decades. And fish is one of the most important food sources. In fact, over 260 million people work directly in fishing and aquaculture, and the UN estimates that economic activities linked to the oceans generate between three and six trillion dollars annually.
At ICSEM, we support blue growth activity projects in the fishing and aquaculture sectors, which involve modernization, updating, and sustainable improvement of these areas, including the entire product transformation and marketing chain, as well as their competitiveness and productivity.
Blue and Green Economy Projects

Blue Growth Vigo
We worked with the Port of Vigo to develop the Blue Growth strategy, in line with the European Commission’s initiative to boost the Blue Economy. This strategy focuses on key areas such as blue energy, aquaculture, coastal and maritime tourism, marine mineral resources, and blue biotechnology. The port has implemented an innovative and participatory methodology, involving over 250 public and private stakeholders to identify work areas and challenges.
The strategy seeks alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and is related to the European green pact and recovery programs against COVID-19. A data visualization tool has been developed to assess and monitor the impact of Blue Growth initiatives in the Port of Vigo.

Learn more Blue Economy Agenda of the Xunta de Galicia
We collaborated with the Consellería do Mar of the Xunta de Galicia to formulate a comprehensive agenda for the sustainable development of Galicia’s Blue Economy. The strategy’s development employs an inclusive methodology, which includes situational analysis, strategic development of the Sustainable Blue Economy Agenda, consensus, and promotion of communication, awareness, and training.
The ultimate goal is to create a strategic guide that encourages projects and actions sustainable in environmental, economic, and social terms for the benefit of Galicia’s inhabitants. The scope covers strategic, technical, and geographical aspects, aiming to support decision-making, integrate social, economic, and environmental dimensions, and have influence at European and international levels

Learn more Blue Economy Strategy and Investment Plan for Guinea Bissau
The Blue Economy Strategy for Guinea-Bissau and its Investment Plan is an initiative developed with the support of the Government of Guinea-Bissau and the United Nations Development Programme. This project aims to establish a public policy agenda for a more sustainable and balanced development of economic activities linked to the oceans, aligned with national, regional, and international development agendas.
A participatory approach was adopted to ensure the sustainability and ownership of the Blue Economy Strategy. Participatory spaces were designed and implemented with members of the quadruple helix.