We accompany and guide organizations for sustainable business development with the aim of improving competitiveness. We carry out a complete diagnosis of the situation of each organization in order to detect, both the potential areas for improvement, as well as the growth capacity. Through a Business Growth Program, we offer advice in 6 main areas
- Innovation
- Digitization
- Operations
- Sustainability
- Marketing and Commercialization
- Finance

Technical Secretariat and strengthening of the ACUIPLUS value chain
ACUIPLUS, the national aquaculture cluster made up of entities from various sectors of the aquaculture value chain, aims to promote the competitiveness and internationalisation of the aquaculture industry, as well as to drive activities, initiatives, and projects aimed at the sustainable development of the sector.
At ICSEM, we conduct an analysis and strengthening of the value chain for this sector, reinforcing networked work and training in aquaculture, as well as support and collaboration in training sessions and international events.
Furthermore, the cluster collaborates with benchmark institutions and has signed collaboration agreements, including an active membership in the Mirror Platform (MiP) and a financing agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Technical Secretariat and strengthening of the ACUBAM value chain
ACUBAM, the Association of Baixo Miño Crops in Galicia, aims to contribute to the socio-economic development of this region by strengthening and enhancing the competitiveness of the agri-sector throughout its value chain and by creating a quality brand.
At ICSEM, we support the strengthening of the value chain for this sector, reinforcing networked work, improving the competitiveness of companies, enhancing technological capabilities, and driving innovation and presence in both national and international markets. Additionally, we offer assistance in identifying financing and preparing proposals to implement actions and initiate research and innovation projects, always through the lens of sustainability.

Technical Secretariat of the Ría de Vigo Nautical Entities Cluster
Within the framework of the Blue Growth Strategy of the Vigo Port Authority, ICSEM has promoted the formation of the ARIVEN association, which seeks to strengthen the nautical industry and promote the competitiveness and internationalisation of the entities in the Ría de Vigo. This association is the result of a preliminary study that assessed the technical and economic viability of establishing an associative structure for the nautical sector in Galicia.
ICSEM has provided support in the formation of the association, undertaking administrative tasks, establishing partnerships with other institutions, identifying potential partners, and participating in nautical events and activities. In addition, it handles communication and management of social media and other media.